The Autumn Book Tag

It seemed only appropriate to do an autumn book tag while we’ve still got this season (from the view-point of a north hemisphere inhabitant), otherwise I would have had to wait a whole year to do it properly (or wait until March and pretend I’m in Australia). A thousand thanks to Liesje  @athousandlives01 (see what I did there ‘wink’) for tagging me! Looking for a fun blog with lots of great book reviews and memes, then you should definitely check her out! For Liesje’s answers click here.

1. What is your favorite thing about autumn?

Since I am born in October I would say my birthday, but I also love the change in nature and colours. Moreover, drinking tea and hot chocolate under a blanket becomes socially accepted again.

2. What book reminds you of your school days?

I’m still in school, so I don’t really need a book to remind me of my current daily life, but I can make some predictions. I am pretty sure that every book I had to read in class will remind me of my school days, but also books I borrowed from the library, for example The Chronicles of Narnia in middle-school.

3. What cover reminds you of autumn?

I couldn’t decide between these two (every book blogger’s problem). I have not read them yet, so I hope I got them right :D. By the way, can we appreciate for a second how beautiful the cover for City of Halves is?

The One I LoveCity of Halves

4. What’s your favorite horror or Halloween story?

I am actually a big fan of horror, but I don’t read so many stories with this theme. However  I read stories about vampires, werewolves, ghosts, Bloody Mary, Woman in White and similar supernatural creatures you would normally hear about on my favourite TV show Supernatural. I also find the origin of Halloween that goes back to the celts very fascinating.

5. What is your favorite horror or Halloween film?

Like I mentioned above, I am a huge horror fan. Franchises like Saw, Child’s Play, Final Destination, Hannibal or movies such as A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween and Stephen King’s It are my favourites. These are also movies that I could enjoy, in comparison to others such as Grudge (which I barely finished one) or The Ring, which truly terrified me, played around with my anxiety and gave me nightmares.

6. What fall book release(s) are you looking forward to?

Normally I’m not looking forward for any, because I find about most of the books a while after they were released. However, if it is a book in a series or from an author I follow I would definitely look forward to it. My choices: Seraph of the End: Guren Ichinose: Catastrophe at Sixteen Vol. 3 (published September 27th) and Two by Two (published October 4th)

Seraph of the End: Guren Ichinose: Catastrophe at Sixteen Omnibus (2-in-1 Edition), Vol. 3 (Seraph of the End: Guren Ichinose: Catastrophe at Sixteen Omnibus, #3)Two By Two

7. What autumn movie release are you anticipating?

‘screaming’ ‘heavily breathing’ I need to watch this asap.

8. What are 3 books you plan to read this autumn?

Considering that I’ve got exactly one week left, planning to read 3 books is going to stay like that. Just a plan. Since I’m currently reading About a Boy by Nick Hornby I’m only planning to finish it by the end of the month.

Since autumn is over in a week it wouldn’t make too much sense to tag anyone for this, but there is nothing stopping you from doing it anyway. I hope you enjoyed it and I’ll see you soon. Until next time when I will be back with another tag.

-Demi x

The Reader Confessions Tag

Hey everyone! It’s been a while (more like 10 weeks) since I’ve last written something on this blog and I can’t really give an excuse for my absence besides the fact that I had a hard time adjusting to my last school year and generally finding some time for writing. I’ll get back to that at the end of this post. As you realised from the title I’ve been tagged by the wonderful Romana @abooknerd13 to share some confessions and if you haven’t followed her yet you should definitely do that right away. You can check abooknerd13‘s post here.
P.S.: Romana, I am sorry it took me 3 months to write this.

1. Have you ever damaged a book?

‘ashamed’ Yes. Although it depends where you draw the line to say a book is damaged. There’s one book that had a nasty interaction with water and looks very wavy at the moment, there a couple of books with spine wrinkles (do they even call them so?) and some books I had to read in school with a lot of colourful markings inside.

2. Have you ever damaged a borrowed book?

I’ve always been extra careful with borrowed books, but there haven’t been many since I don’t really like borrowing. So the answer is no.

3. How long does it take you to read a book?

It depends. Those books we read in class can take up to a couple of months, but before I acquired a passion for reading it could have taken even more than that. Right now it depends on how gripping the book is, how easy it is to read, its length and how much free time I can allocate to it each day.

4. Books you haven’t finished?

There are a couple which are on an undetermined hold and I can only think about one book that I’ll probably never pick up again, and that is The Old Man and the Sea, which just didn’t work for me.

5. Hyped/popular books you didn’t like?

Since I haven’t read many of them I can only say Looking for Alaska. I had big expectations from it, since my best friend recommend it to me, and it was pretty good it the beginning, but towards the end some main themes incorporated in the book didn’t appeal to me and my final reaction was kind of ‘nah’. Also I didn’t like the similarities to Paper Towns, which made the book a bit boring to me.

6. Is there a book you wouldn’t tell anyone you were reading?

There was a time when I would have been bothered if some knew what I was reading, bot today I don’t care about what people think about me or my reading choices. As far as I’m concerned they can keep on judging since I’ll definitely keep on not caring.

7. How many books do you own?

Too many. I’ll count them by the end of the year and update this post (hopefully), but my guess is somewhere around 150-200.

8. Are you a fast or slow reader?

This goes along with question 3. It depends on the language and writing style, but mostly a fast reader.

9. Do you like to buddy read?

I never tried it, but it sounds fun and I would definitely want to try it.

10. Do you read better in your head or aloud?

In my head. Just as Romana my eyes and my mouth are not in sync, so I make a lot of mistakes when reading aloud.

11. If you were only allowed one book, what would it be and why?

This question should be banned to be asked a bookworm. As if you would ask a mother which child she loves most. ‘100 years of thinking later’ I’m going to choose The Book Thief, because it tells a wonderful, emotional story and from which you can learn a lot about life.

I tag everyone who wants to do it.

I’m back after a very long break! ‘yay’ And I have so much to catch up to. ‘not so yay’ I haven’t written any recaps for September and October and the only solution I can come up with is a season review, which I’ll post on the 1st or 2nd of December. Besides that I also have so many tags and nominations to catch up to, which I’m going to be focusing on for the rest of November. I’m keeping it short this time, as it is getting late and there is still homework to be done. Until next time and I wish you all a wonderful week start!

-Demi xx

“Sunday Stealing” No°12: “Shannon’s Moment Meme, Part Two”

For rules and/or information click hereCheers to all of us thieves!!!

23. Have you ever gone to the “dark side”?  I’m not saying I’ve been an angel for all my life, but I wouldn’t go as far as saying that I gone to the “dark side” either, so I guess I’ve always been somewhere in between.

24. What shirt are you wearing right now?  It’s 11 am, I’m still wearing my pyjamas and that would be a grey shirt with Snoopy and “Born To Sleep” written on it.

25. What’s important about a bed to you? Like type of sheets, size or whatever. I don’t really care as long as it’s comfortable. Of course to reach a certain level of comfort, the bed would have to be soft (not as a waterbed though) have a lot of pillows and a fluffy blanket.

26. Can you sing? No, but I sung in a choir before.

27. What is something about you that would surprise us? I’m very shy and suffer from anxiety.

28. Have you been a pirate, Renaissance Fair, or other costumed event? If not, would you for the right event or say cause? I’ve always wanted to, but I never really had the chance. I was Tinkerbell in a school play once, but nothing more.

29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I listen to the radio when I shower so I sing along with most of the songs that come on.

30. Favorite girl’s name? Grace

31. Favorite boy’s name? Ethan

32. What’s in your pocket or purse right now? Money, credit card, ID, driving license, student ID, calendar, a few visit cards, a baby photo of me, a photo of my father and a fortune cookie message that says “Hearts are lying at your feet”.

33. Last thing that made you laugh? My brother. We wore both playing Piano Tiles 2 and I was winning.

34. Best toy as a child? An infant boy doll I got for Christmas when I was 3 or 4. He has a very cute round face and blonde hair.

35. Worst injury you have ever had? I tripped on a coffee machine when I was little and got a nice circle mark on my stomach.

36. Where would you love to live? London suburbs.

37. What type of TV do you have? Would you’d like an upgrade? I don’t have a TV in my room and the one my parents own is more than enough.

39. How many dogs do you have? None.

40. Do most folks trust you? It certainly seems so.

41. What book are you reading? The Bat by Jo Nesbo.

42. What’s your favorite classic TV show? The Twilight Zone.

43. What’s your favorite sports team? FC Barcelon.

44. Favorite month and why? December, because of the holiday, Christmas, gifts and snow.

-Demi xx

“Saturday 9” No° 13 :: The Trolley Song (1944)

Click on the image below for more information.

Saturday 9: The Trolley Song (1944)
If you’re not familiar with today’s song, you can hear it here.

I haven’t done one of these for almost 2 months although I’ve missed them. I guess the school days coming closer finally took my writer’s block down.

1) In this movie clip, just about everyone (except Judy) is wearing a hat. Do you wear hats for fashion, for warmth or for both? Right now you would only see me wearing a hat in winter and occasionally a cap on very sunny days.

2) This song is from Meet Me in St. Louis, which was a huge hit and the second highest grossing movie of 1944. When is the last time you watched a movie in the theater?  I know it was Deadpool ‘checks when it came out’ ‘oh’ ‘realises how forgetful she is’. It was on Valentine’s Day.

3) The movie follows the Smith family as their hometown, St. Louis, prepares to host the 1904 World’s Fair. What’s the biggest thing happening in your hometown (Iasi, Romania)? A lot of things are taking place this days, a festival, some club events and a couple of exposition. One big thing that’s coming soon, and by that I mean September, is the the 10th edition of the  International Mechanical Music Festival

4) This week’s featured artist, Judy Garland, is best known as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. That movie is shown so often that Sam thinks she may have seen it a dozen times. Is there a movie or holiday special you’ve seen over and over? I’ve mentioned a couple of times already that I never watch a movie more than once. However there are a couple of movies from which I’ve seen parts of more than once . Titanic (apparently it’s such an amazing movie they keep showing it on TV regularly), Jesus of Nazareth (they always show it on Easter holiday) and Home Alone (they always show it on Christmas)

5) Judy admitted to being perpetually tardy. Are you usually prompt? Or are you always running late? I try to be prompt most of the times. However, there were periods of time that I found it really hard to be on time, but I’d never be later that a couple of minutes.

6) Judy’s first professional performance was a rendition of “Jingle Bells” when she was just two. How old were you when you entered your chosen profession? I haven’t yet entered my chosen profession.

7) Thinking of “Jingle Bells,” here’s a wintery question for a hot summer day: What’s your favorite carol? That’s hard for me to answer, since I’ve only ever sung carols on Romanian and don’t know if the ones I know have an English translation. Right now I can only think of Christmas songs, especially about Last Christmas and All I Want For Christmas Is You.

8) Judy was a very demonstrative person. She enjoyed hugs and admitted that, when she was nervous, she took emotional support from physically reaching out. Are you demonstrative? Not exactly. I’m not quite that open and prefer to deal with my problems on my own.

9) She told Barbara Walters that people would be surprised to learn that she was a good cook and specialised in desserts. Do you have a sweet tooth? That is one of my middle names.

Hey guys 😀 I’m happy to be back with one my favourite features and perhaps I’ll make it this week with another post. Thank you for sticking with me and I wish you a wonderful weekend!

-Demi xx

The Liebster Award 2.0

Hello my dear readers! Lately I’ve been having a hard time writing on my blog, not because I didn’t have time (that I have a lot since I’m on summer break), but I’ve been entirely  absorbed by reading and wasn’t in the mood for participating in most of my weekly memes. I’ve also had a hard time starting any reviews (I’ve got like 10 books I’d love to review). I’m hoping that with this blog entry my apatite for writing will come back to me and I’ll be more active, mainly because I’ve decided catch up with the awards and tags I’ve been given recently (recently is pretty relative here, since some of this posts I should have done almost 2 months ago). I apologise to Gretchen@chicnerdreads brad pitt thank you kissfor taking so long and also thank you for nominating me for this wonderful award. I’m very grateful! You should definitely check out her blog for all things bookish. She also writes marvellous poems which always leave me speechless.

The Rules:

  1. Post the award on your blog.
  2. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Answer the questions assigned to you.
  4. Give 10 random facts about yourself.
  5. Nominate 10 deserving bloggers for the award.
  6. Ask 10 questions to your nominees.

Gretchen’s Questions:

  1. Where are you from?
    Iasi, Romania
  2. What’s your dream vacation?
    My dream vacations would be a cruise around the world. (very convenient Demi)
  3. What is your feel good book?
    I honestly can’t say as I don’t usually read a book twice (I don’t even dare, otherwise my TBR list would probably kill me). However, a book that recently made me feel really good and gave me a self-respect boost was The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
  4. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    An archaeologist. I used to watch Tutenstein as a child and dreamed about being the one person that would find him one day. Of course I eventually found that Tutankhamun had already been found and my interest in becoming an archaeologist faded.
  5. A book that you’re looking forward to reading this year?
    If it wasn’t for this amazing platform I wouldn’t be very much up to date. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
  6. Do you have siblings? If yes, how many?
    One. A smaller brother.
  7. How do you feel about open-ended books?
    Mixed feelings. On one side I’m a wanna-know-it-all kind of person and I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night without some closure, but on the other side (certainly not as prominent as the other side) I like my mind to wonder about what happens after the book is over.
  8. What’s your favorite color to wear?
    Purple or blue.
  9. Do you prefer texting someone or calling them?
    Texting. I like to be careful with the messages I transmit.
  10. What is one random thing about you that you feel like a lot of people don’t know?
    I don’t mind reading with noises around me. Most of the time I’m able to turn off the outside world and focus on my book.

10 random facts about myself:

  1. I’ve had a turtle once. Long story short it’s not among us anymore. His name was Stefan by the way.

  2. I’m afraid of heights. And spiders. And snakes.

  3. I used to be afraid of the darkness and have some really nasty nightmares about the Boogeyman or whatever was lurking in the dark.

  4. I’m a representative for AVON.

  5. Last month I’ve joined the Postcrossing community.

  6. I’m in a couple of fandoms (Whovians, TVD, SPN, Once Upon a Time, Potterheads) and I’ll soon be joining a couple more. Probably by the time I’ll start reading The Mortal Instruments, Divergent and Hunger Games.

  7. I prefer listening to music made before 2011, mainly ’90s and ’80s.

  8. I have a soft spot for horror movies. Stephen King’s It is probably the most fascinating one and the movie Grudge has been the only movie I couldn’t watch.

  9. I’m Orthodox Christian.

  10. After finishing my school I’d want to take a year off and work in poor countries and help people (in Germany it is called a volunteer social year)

I nominate:

Quick notice: if you want the person to be notified that you tagged her/him you should link her/his name to the “About Me” page for example. If you link just they won’t be notified.

My Questions:

  1. What is your favourite book cover?
  2. Name a book that you wish you had read at a different age.
  3. Describe the perfect reading place.
  4. If you had to choose one book to read for the rest of your life, which would it be?
  5. Who are your favourite male and female heroes? They can be fictional or non-fictional, from a book or movie.
  6. What about favourite villain that you love and villain that you hate?
  7. Which fictional world would you like to visit or live in?
  8. What is the furthest you have travelled? And how long?
  9. What is your favourite animated movie?
  10. Which book and movie release of 2016 are you most happy about right now?

-Demi xx

“Sunday Stealing” No°11: “The Movie Nut’s Meme”

For rules and/or information click hereCheers to all of us thieves!!!

What was you first movie-going experience without your parents? The furthest I can go is Bratz The Movie, which I watched with my cousin at the cinema.

Do you still buy DVDs or Blu Rays (or do you just stream them)? Yes, although not many and not very often. The last one I bought was The Addams Family Values a week ago. Other than that I want to have a physical copy of most of my favourite movies, preferable some kind of deluxe edition. So far I’ve got the Back To The Future series and Grease.

What is your guilty pleasure movie? What about it works for you? Cruel Intentions, but I have no clue why. I’m still trying to figure it out.

You have compiled a list of your top 100 movies. Which movies do you like, but would not make the list? 100 is a lot and from the 500 movies I watched I know I liked at least 400 of them. I realised the easiest answer is 50 Shades of Grey. I admit I liked it, or at least parts of it, but it would definitely not make it to the top 100.

Which movie(s) do you compulsively watch over and over again? What makes it so great? Re-watching movies is not my thing. Beside Titanic, which I had to watch for the third time (from which only once entirely), I don’t think there is a movie I watched more than 1. However I want to re-watch the Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean series again.

Classic(s) you’re embarrassed to admit you haven’t seen yet? Casablanca, The Godfather, Alien, Predator, The Breakfast Club, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Star Wars, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Indiana Jones, James Bond…. 

Do you have any movie posters hanging on your wall? If yes, which ones and why? ‘Demetra checks her walls as she is so forgetful’ Titanic, Percy Jackson, Pirates of the Caribbean, Hunger Games, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, Monsters University and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. I put them up simply because I like the movies and were among the only movie posters I had. 

Tell us about a movie that you are passionate about. It’s hard to choose just one, so I hope that next time I’ll be able to promote another great movie. This time my answer is Dead Poets Society. The way Robin Williams plays his role and the message he transmits got a very important place in my heart.

What is a movie you vow to never watch? Why? First of all that is discrimination. You should always give everyone a chance, movies of people. However there are a couple of movies that I’m not prepared to watch, The Godfather for example. I’m not 100% I’ll really like it and its soooo long..

Tell us about a movie that literally left you speechless. Inception. If you don’t count the couple of ‘what’s I had at the end, it definitely left me speechless.

What’s a movie that you always recommend? Jumanji. You thought I’d give you a Robin Williams break. ha-ha-ha. You thought wrong.

Who is an actor you always watch, no matter how crappy the movie? Robin Williams! And there is no crappy movie in which he plays. The moment he gets a role, the movie cannot be crappy.

Who is an actor you don’t get the appeal for? Why don’t you like them? I can’t think of any present ones, but I used to don’t get the appeal for Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston and I don’t know what was wrong with me. Would Matt Smith count? I never really liked him as a Doctor and still don’t.

Who is an actor, living or dead, you’d love to meet? Why do they intrigue you? Robin Williams. I wish I’d have the chance to tell him what a wonderful and inspiring person he was and of course thank him.

Sexiest actor/actress you’ve seen. (Picture required!) Chris Pine

OK, you are casting a movie, pick four or five actors you’d hire to be in it and why we’d love them together.

Robert Downey Jr., Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston and  Johnny Depp. Can I please have that?

Who are your favorite actor pairing of all time? Robin Williams and Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting

Have you ever watched movies from a decade that was before you were born? If so, which decade is your favorite? Born in 1997. I think the 80′ is my favourite: Dirty Dancing, Back to the Future, Dead Poets Society, Rain Man, My Neighbour Totoro and probably some more that I can’t think of at the moment

If you were to be in a movie would you rather play the hero, villain or anti-hero? Why? Anti-hero. I don’t think the hero role would suit me.

Hello there my friends. It is so good to be back! I know I’ve been M.I.A. for the past few days, but now I’m baaack and holidays are getting closer which means that you will (hopefully) see more from me. I’ve recently been active on my Instagram account, so why don’t give it a look. I’d be very grateful.

-Demi xx

“Saturday 9” No° 12 :: As Long As You Love Me (1997)

Click on the image below for more information.

Saturday 9: As Long As You Love Me (1997)
If you’re not familiar with today’s song, you can hear it here.

1) This video shows the boys in the band nervously await an audition. When were you last nervous?
Before getting on the plane from Romania to Germany. This happens literally every time I travel by plane. I always worry that I’ll be taken aside for a full-body check, that my luggage is to heavy, that I’ve forgotten something in my bags which isn’t allowed on the plane or that I’ll simply miss my flight.

2) BSB Brian Littrell was born with a congenital heart problem and had open heart surgery the year this song was released. Who is the last person you visited in the hospital?
My grandma, who is in a mental hospital because of Alzheimer.

3) Littrell had different health trouble in 2009. While working in Japan, he contracted swine flu, which caused the band to cancel several events. Have you battled a cold or flu this summer?
I’ve just got through a 4 days tonsillitis and now I’m healthy again.

4) When you feel a cold coming on, what’s your favorite remedy?
Normally I don’t see it coming, but I drink tea a lot, so I guess that’s the best prevention I take.

5) Brian and his cousin, fellow BSB member Kevin Richardson, are both from Kentucky and have been inducted into the Kentucky Music Hall of Fame. According to their website, if you tour the Hall of Fame you’ll see exhibits that celebrate Kentucky’s contribution to American music. Do you enjoy museums? Or do you think they’re a snooze?
I LOVE museums, most probably because of my father. Every vacation we went on included at least a museum visit or sume sort of historical/archaeology site. I regret not going into Louvre and the Versailles; unfortunately there were extremely long queues and we should have booked a visit. It’s also very frustrating for me every time I go on a class trip that no one else wants to see or hear anything about the local history. I was definitely born in the wrong generation or I just have not yet met “the right people”.

6) BSB Nick Carter was named one of People magazine’s “Most Beautiful People in the World.” Who is someone you think is especially gorgeous?
I’m soo not going to choose just one person, because I beauty in a lot of people and sometimes it might be the smile, eyes or a dimple that makes me like him. So, all of you ladies (and guys #NoJudging) here are some men that are easy on the eyes.

I could keep adding more and more, but I don’t want to be too annoying 😀 😂

7) This spring Nick became a father for the first time. Is anyone in your life expecting a baby this year?
One of my cousins gave birth 2 weeks ago, a teacher in my school is going to sometime this year… other than that none.

8) The band has been involved in ongoing litigation with their first manager, saying he had been dishonest with them about how much they had earned. Tell us about someone you trusted, but shouldn’t have.
I’ve mentioned before about my former best friend, who lied and hurt me. I’m better now with less friends and more books!

9) The band’s record-breaking 1999 tour was sponsored by the Sears department store
chain. Sam remembers the twice-a-year shopping trips to Sears — spring and fall — with her mother to update Sam’s school wardrobe. What’s the last article of clothing you bought?
A pair of light blue Nike shorts.

I wish you a wonderful and warm weekend and thank you for reading!


“Friday 5” No°5

Friday 5 for June 24: Scattergories, Part 6

“Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!”

It’s the fourth Friday in June, which means it’s time for our annual Scattergories Five! My favorite Five of the year! (Yes; we’ve done them on the third Friday in June the past few years, but the fourth works better for me).

This week’s 5 is inspired by the party game Scattergories, in which players have to think of items, all beginning with the same letter, in several categories. For example, if the die is rolled and shows the letter T, players might have to name a soft drink, a farm animal, a river, and a U.S. President, all beginning with T. Valid answers might be Tab, turkey, Tennessee, and Tyler.

First, go to this nifty online random-letter generator. Set the “number of random letter sequences to generate” to 1. Set the “length of each random letter sequence” to 1. Leave the “letters to choose from” how it is and click the button. You’ll get a rather non-dramatic one letter. Use that letter to begin all your answers to the 5 questions below.  If you’d like to avoid difficult letters, feel free to change the “letters to choose from” list.  I’ll only judge you a little bit.  🙂

Alternately, if you find that boring, you could set the “length of each random letter sequence” to 5, thereby giving you five letters, a different one for each question.

What random letter was generated by the online random-letter generator (this doesn’t really count as one of your five questions)? VNLSE

What brand or model of car, whose name begins with the letter, would you like to get? I like the brand Volvo, my mom owned one and as long as it’s not too big, I’d definitely want it.

What summer activity, whose name begins with the letter, are you looking forward to? Night walking

What’s an item in your desk whose name begins with the letter? Letter

What’s something, whose name begins with the letter, that you find frightening? Spiders, definitely spiders.

If you had to get a tattoo on your upper arm, what’s something whose name begins with the letter that you could live with? Elephant. I’ve seen some really cute ones on the internet.

This week’s theme has become a tradition on Friday 5 and I decided to grab the old ones and answer those too!

From July 17 2009

What random letter was generated by the online random-letter generator? WMGSF

With what famous person, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, would you most like to be stuck on a desert island? William Levy

What food item, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, can always be found in your pantry? Marmalade

What song, whose title begins with the letter in question #1, always makes you feel good? Get Lucky

What is your least-favorite film whose title begins with the letter in question #1? The Shortcut (2009)

What unusual animal, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, would be a fun pet? Fox. I’d love to have a domestic fox.

For June 22 2012

What random letter was generated by the online random-letter generator? C

What food item, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, are you most likely to eat within the next few days? Carrot

What item, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, are you most likely to purchase this weekend? Clothes

What famous person, whose last name begins with the letter in question #1, makes you think thoughts you probably shouldn’t? Chace Crawford

What is your favorite film whose title begins with the letter in question #1? The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

What geographical location, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, are you most likely to see within the next few days? If by a few  days I can say 10, Croatia then.

For June 21 2013

What random letter was generated by the online random-letter generator? D

What geographical location, whose name begins with the letter, would you most like to visit someday? Denmark 

What’s a yummy dessert whose name begins with the letter? Donuts

What’s an annoying or unpleasant task whose name begins with the letter? Dust cleaning

What implement, whose name begins with the letter, would be good to take on a camping trip? Duct tape

Which of your body parts, whose name begins with the letter, needs some attention or maintenance? Digestive system

For June 20 2014

What random letter was generated by the online random-letter generator? T

What article of clothing, whose name begins with the letter, have you never worn? Tie

What book, whose title begins with the letter, are you looking forward to reading? This Book Loves You by PewDiePie

What mode of transportation, whose name begins with the letter, seems like it would be fun? A tram in San Francisco. Nowhere else.

What form of exercise, whose name begins with the letter, have you recently engaged in? Tennis, not playing but watching. Romania has got a really good tennis player at the moment, Simona Halep and I like watching her play.

What fictional character, whose name begins with the letter, would be good company on a long trip? Timon from Lion King

For June 20 2015

What random letter was generated by the online random-letter generator? V

What’s a refreshing beverage whose name begins with the letter? Vodka

What ailment whose name begins with the letter have you suffered from? Vomitting

What horrible creature whose name begins with the letter do you resemble in your foulest mood? Vampire

What emotion whose name begins with the letter have you experienced in the past week? Vulnerable. This is literally the only word I could think of, although not entirely present.

What’s an item in your purse, wallet, or backpack whose name begins with the letter? A vial of headache pills.

This was fun! I hope you all had a nice Friday and I’d love to read what your answers would have been.


“Sunday Stealing” No°10: “The Jackals Meme”

For rules and/or information click hereCheers to all of us thieves!!!  

The Jackals Meme

Question 1: Who is your favorite Musical Artist?
It’s hard to choose just one, but to make it easier for me for the second question I’ll say P!nk.
Question 2: What is your favorite album by that Artist?
Normally what I love about some artist are a few specific songs, not whole albums, but in P!nk’s case it’s a bit easier. Missundaztood has got some of my favourite songs from her and I also like the title a lot.
Question 3: Who is your Favorite Blogger?
I love reading every entry from all the blogs I follow, but Shannon’s is definitely one at the top! 🙂
Question 4: If you could meet anyone (dead or alive), who would it be and what is interesting about them?
It would be interesting to meet someone that doesn’t have a proper biography anywhere, someone from and about whom I can learn something new. Right now I’d say King Arthur.
Question 5: What did you want to be when you grew up?
I want to be crime scene investigator.
Question 6: What is the most interesting piece of Trivia that you know?
Depends on the point of view, but interesting to me is that you can easily find out where an Euro note was printed. On the back there is a serial number written which start with a letter. Examples: X is Germany, L is Finnland, Y is Greece, Z is Belgium, N is Austria, M is Portugal, S is Italy, T is Irland, V is Spain and U is France. There was a time when I was fascinated with money and it’s origins. Healthy obsession.
Question 7: If you could live in any point of history when would it be and why?
As a woman it’s hard to choose any period older than 100 years, only if could choose the Renaissance but to be a member of the royalty.
Question 8: What do you think of the election in the U.S. so far?
I hope for the best of the entire world that Trump won’t be elected.
Question 9: What is your favorite TV drama? What do you like about it?
Supernatural. I learned a lot about Myths and so many different religions. It is also a story about love, family, friendship and loss.
Question 10: What is the most interesting job you’ve ever had?
I only had 2 jobs, so there is not that big of a choice. The most interesting was to work as a waiter in a Café.


“Saturday 9” No° 11 :: Papa, Don’t Preach (1986)

Click on the image below for more information.

Saturday 9: Papa, Don’t Preach (1986)
If you’re not familiar with today’s song, you can hear it here.

1) Madonna has sold more than 200 million records worldwide. Do you have any of her songs on your iPod/mp3 player/phone?
Frozen and Like A Prayer, but I listen to Amazon Prime Music on my phone and she comes with some other songs too.

2) When she first arrived in New York in search of fame and fortune, Madonna supported herself by working at Dunkin’ Donuts. What did you order last time you were at Dunkin’ Donuts?
I don’t even remember when that was. I know I only went once in one of them in Frankfurt.

3) Madonna and her first husband, Sean Penn, ended their marriage on New Year’s Eve, 1988. Sam’s New Year’s Eves are never that dramatic. What about you? Do you have any vivid New Year’s Eve memories you’d like to share?
The only vivid memory is from the last New Year’s Eve. I spent it with a couple of friends, we ate pizza, played some drinking games and watched 2 or 3 movies. It was fun. Oh and we lit a lot of fireworks. 😀

4) Madonna admits she suffers from brontophobia, aka the fear of storms. Are you scared of thunder and lightning?
Not at all. I do know they’re dangerous and what do to to keep myself safe from them, but I like watching them from far away.

5) Onstage during the 2015 Coachella fest, Madonna shocked the audience by planting a kiss square on the lips of much-younger rapper Drake. What’s something that surprised you recently?
That there’s still some pure goodness in some people (I talked about a shop owner I met recently, here)

6) More recently, Madonna was at the center of a controversy because Prince fans didn’t like her tribute at the Billboard Music Awards. They made themselves heard on social media. Was your last Facebook post or Tweet positive or negative?
The last thing I posted on Facebook was actually a shared video of Jensen Ackles singing a Christmas song. In April. (here’s a link to the full video, Jensen comes in at 4:12 and starts singing at 7:02, if by minute 9, you’re not convinced I don’t know what else to say)

7) One of the things Sam’s papa preaches about is car maintenance. He reminds her to check her car’s air filter regularly, because a dirty filter can reduce mileage. Share your own car maintenance tip with us.
I don’t have any advise to share yet, but I’ll let you know as soon as I’ll have one.

8) When she was growing up, Sam’s father was often away on business. He always remembered to bring back the complimentary shampoos, conditioners and lotions from the hotels where he stayed. When will you next stay in a hotel (or motel, bed-and-breakfast or Airbnb room)?
Between the 4th and 8th of July in Croatia.

9) To celebrate Father’s Day, Sam is giving away her father’s favorite candy: LifeSavers. Would you prefer a roll of Wild Cherry, Butter Rum, Winter Green or Peppermint?
Winter Green sounds interesting, but I’ve never heard of this candy so I don’t know if it’s the one that would taste better for me.
