The Autumn Book Tag

It seemed only appropriate to do an autumn book tag while we’ve still got this season (from the view-point of a north hemisphere inhabitant), otherwise I would have had to wait a whole year to do it properly (or wait until March and pretend I’m in Australia). A thousand thanks to Liesje  @athousandlives01 (see what I did there ‘wink’) for tagging me! Looking for a fun blog with lots of great book reviews and memes, then you should definitely check her out! For Liesje’s answers click here.

1. What is your favorite thing about autumn?

Since I am born in October I would say my birthday, but I also love the change in nature and colours. Moreover, drinking tea and hot chocolate under a blanket becomes socially accepted again.

2. What book reminds you of your school days?

I’m still in school, so I don’t really need a book to remind me of my current daily life, but I can make some predictions. I am pretty sure that every book I had to read in class will remind me of my school days, but also books I borrowed from the library, for example The Chronicles of Narnia in middle-school.

3. What cover reminds you of autumn?

I couldn’t decide between these two (every book blogger’s problem). I have not read them yet, so I hope I got them right :D. By the way, can we appreciate for a second how beautiful the cover for City of Halves is?

The One I LoveCity of Halves

4. What’s your favorite horror or Halloween story?

I am actually a big fan of horror, but I don’t read so many stories with this theme. However  I read stories about vampires, werewolves, ghosts, Bloody Mary, Woman in White and similar supernatural creatures you would normally hear about on my favourite TV show Supernatural. I also find the origin of Halloween that goes back to the celts very fascinating.

5. What is your favorite horror or Halloween film?

Like I mentioned above, I am a huge horror fan. Franchises like Saw, Child’s Play, Final Destination, Hannibal or movies such as A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween and Stephen King’s It are my favourites. These are also movies that I could enjoy, in comparison to others such as Grudge (which I barely finished one) or The Ring, which truly terrified me, played around with my anxiety and gave me nightmares.

6. What fall book release(s) are you looking forward to?

Normally I’m not looking forward for any, because I find about most of the books a while after they were released. However, if it is a book in a series or from an author I follow I would definitely look forward to it. My choices: Seraph of the End: Guren Ichinose: Catastrophe at Sixteen Vol. 3 (published September 27th) and Two by Two (published October 4th)

Seraph of the End: Guren Ichinose: Catastrophe at Sixteen Omnibus (2-in-1 Edition), Vol. 3 (Seraph of the End: Guren Ichinose: Catastrophe at Sixteen Omnibus, #3)Two By Two

7. What autumn movie release are you anticipating?

‘screaming’ ‘heavily breathing’ I need to watch this asap.

8. What are 3 books you plan to read this autumn?

Considering that I’ve got exactly one week left, planning to read 3 books is going to stay like that. Just a plan. Since I’m currently reading About a Boy by Nick Hornby I’m only planning to finish it by the end of the month.

Since autumn is over in a week it wouldn’t make too much sense to tag anyone for this, but there is nothing stopping you from doing it anyway. I hope you enjoyed it and I’ll see you soon. Until next time when I will be back with another tag.

-Demi x

The Reader Confessions Tag

Hey everyone! It’s been a while (more like 10 weeks) since I’ve last written something on this blog and I can’t really give an excuse for my absence besides the fact that I had a hard time adjusting to my last school year and generally finding some time for writing. I’ll get back to that at the end of this post. As you realised from the title I’ve been tagged by the wonderful Romana @abooknerd13 to share some confessions and if you haven’t followed her yet you should definitely do that right away. You can check abooknerd13‘s post here.
P.S.: Romana, I am sorry it took me 3 months to write this.

1. Have you ever damaged a book?

‘ashamed’ Yes. Although it depends where you draw the line to say a book is damaged. There’s one book that had a nasty interaction with water and looks very wavy at the moment, there a couple of books with spine wrinkles (do they even call them so?) and some books I had to read in school with a lot of colourful markings inside.

2. Have you ever damaged a borrowed book?

I’ve always been extra careful with borrowed books, but there haven’t been many since I don’t really like borrowing. So the answer is no.

3. How long does it take you to read a book?

It depends. Those books we read in class can take up to a couple of months, but before I acquired a passion for reading it could have taken even more than that. Right now it depends on how gripping the book is, how easy it is to read, its length and how much free time I can allocate to it each day.

4. Books you haven’t finished?

There are a couple which are on an undetermined hold and I can only think about one book that I’ll probably never pick up again, and that is The Old Man and the Sea, which just didn’t work for me.

5. Hyped/popular books you didn’t like?

Since I haven’t read many of them I can only say Looking for Alaska. I had big expectations from it, since my best friend recommend it to me, and it was pretty good it the beginning, but towards the end some main themes incorporated in the book didn’t appeal to me and my final reaction was kind of ‘nah’. Also I didn’t like the similarities to Paper Towns, which made the book a bit boring to me.

6. Is there a book you wouldn’t tell anyone you were reading?

There was a time when I would have been bothered if some knew what I was reading, bot today I don’t care about what people think about me or my reading choices. As far as I’m concerned they can keep on judging since I’ll definitely keep on not caring.

7. How many books do you own?

Too many. I’ll count them by the end of the year and update this post (hopefully), but my guess is somewhere around 150-200.

8. Are you a fast or slow reader?

This goes along with question 3. It depends on the language and writing style, but mostly a fast reader.

9. Do you like to buddy read?

I never tried it, but it sounds fun and I would definitely want to try it.

10. Do you read better in your head or aloud?

In my head. Just as Romana my eyes and my mouth are not in sync, so I make a lot of mistakes when reading aloud.

11. If you were only allowed one book, what would it be and why?

This question should be banned to be asked a bookworm. As if you would ask a mother which child she loves most. ‘100 years of thinking later’ I’m going to choose The Book Thief, because it tells a wonderful, emotional story and from which you can learn a lot about life.

I tag everyone who wants to do it.

I’m back after a very long break! ‘yay’ And I have so much to catch up to. ‘not so yay’ I haven’t written any recaps for September and October and the only solution I can come up with is a season review, which I’ll post on the 1st or 2nd of December. Besides that I also have so many tags and nominations to catch up to, which I’m going to be focusing on for the rest of November. I’m keeping it short this time, as it is getting late and there is still homework to be done. Until next time and I wish you all a wonderful week start!

-Demi xx

Books With A Purpose Tag

I was tagged by the wonderful chicnerdreads to do this wonderful and pretty hard tag. Thank you 😊!


  1. Mention the person who tagged you in your post and provide a link to their blog
  2. Fill out the 9 questions in the tag
  3. For each question, insert a gif of how you feel about the book(s) or author.
  4. Tag 5 people and/or everyone to do this tag!
  5. Before you post the tag, do a five-second party dance. Cause you dat awesome


  1. Best story premise? The Alchemist by Paulo CoelhoThe Alchemistbelieve
  2. Best world building? The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
    IFC tv television happy awesome
  3. Best character? Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Leeoriginals  smile sam applause clapping
  4. Best series? Lux by Jennifer L. Armentroutlove animation swipe right tiny toons buster bunny
  5. Best tear jerker? The Longest Ride by Nicholas SparksThe Longest Ridesad crying cry pikachu
  6. Best author? Nicholas Sparkssad crying the office cry thank you
  7. Best writing style? Sandra Brown
    amazing scott pilgrim incredible thrilled knives chau
  8. Best cover? The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowlingstephen colbert wow jon stewart bravo
  9. Best ending? Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick SüskindPerfume: The Story of a Murderershocked shock michael cera scott pilgrim vs the world

I tag:

-Demi xx

Tag: The Ultimate Game of Thrones Book Tag

Hello everyone! At the beginning of this month Shannon@ClockworkBibliophile tagged me for another fun Book Tag (you can check the Harry Potter Book Tag I did, if you like 🙂 ). Thank you very much for choosing me Shannon 😂 as for the rest, you should totally go give her a follow, in case you’re searching for an awesome bookish blog. As for the reason why it took me so long (and no, it wasn’t school or work)… well, the truth is I wasn’t prepared to say what I’m about to say right now. I don’t like Game of Thrones and I know right now it’s literally the most viewed show, but it’s not my thing. I know it’s kind of childish reason for not participating (we’re all educated and reasonable adults) and it should be ok not to like something. At the end of the day it shouldn’t change somebody’s opinion on me (hopefully?). I’m not saying it’s a bad show or book series, not at all. It’s wonderful and all, but not my style (sorry, too much dying, not a real fan of historical shows, besides Merlin I don’t watch anything that plays in a time long before ours, not a fan of that type of fightings, too complicated alliances, incest, nudity). Again, I’m not saying it’s a bad show and I don’t have anything against people watching it. It’s just not for me. I know there are dragons uuuh, but not that much of a fan of them either 😂. In a way I know most of it because of Internet spoilers and please don’t try to convince me to watch 😂 I’m sorry Shannon 🙈 (Shannon’s post)


  1. Mention the creator Orang-utan Librarian.
  2. Answer all the questions.
  3. Tag people and keep it going!

Part 1 – Book Questions

“We do not sow”

A book you would not be willing to invest in.

we-do-not-sowI’m not really sure I read books that I wouldn’t have willingly invested in, but there are 4 books that after quite some time I realised they were actually pretty bad (my own opinion) I could say Game of Thrones, but for that I’m probably getting enough hate already, so why not multiply it by admitting I don’t like the Twilight series sorry-not-sorry. The truth is, I’ve got a love-hate relationship with Twilight, very complicated (probably I’ll explain it another time).

“Fire and blood”

A book that produced strong emotions in you.


Just like Shannon I’m quite a book crier myself, meaning this choice isn’t easy. The last book that broke my heart into million pieces was Between Shades of Grey (I’m still planning a review on it). The story takes place in the second World War in Russia and for me it’s that side of the history we don’t really learn in school.

“Winter is coming”

Your favorite winter read.

winter-is-comingIt cannot be a book, because I don’t read books twice. My answer is though Nicholas Sparks and if you’ve been following me for a while now, you know that I’m his no°1 fan! I don’t even have all my books with me (6 of them are still in Romania and I’m planning to bring them over this summer.).IMG_1381

“Family. Duty. Honour.”

A book about strong family ties.


I might have read a couple of books which were partially about strong family ties, but honestly I never pay too much attention to them and always most of the times forget about them. searches through Goodreads comes across some good titles realises she cannot promote a contemporary novel There is actually a book that crosses my mind and that is Wuthering Heights. I got it as a birthday present and read maybe 3 or 4 years ago. It is a bit confusing at first, as it talks about a lot of people and how they’re all related to each other somehow. I had to print a family tree to keep up with it. I blame it all on age.

“Growing strong”

A book you had low expectations of but that grew on you.

growing-strongThere are a couple of titles that I can think of, but I decided to present one that I haven’t seen so much of it on this platform so far (actually nothing). The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time breathes out why the long title Mr. Haddon?. I read this in English class last year and I LOVED it. In case you haven’t, I ask you deeply to check it out.

“Ours is the fury”

A book that made you furious.

ours-is-the-furyI’m not sure I’ve ever been furious because of a book; disgust that eventually turned into something similar to fury happened. Best and most recent example is The Reader by Bernhard Schlink.

“Unbowed. Unbent.Unbroken.”

A book you have unwavering devotion to.

unbowed-unbent-unbrokenI’m going to cheat on this and say Nicholas Sparks again don’t need to roll your eyes very judgy of you she knows she talks a lot about him.

“A Lannister always pays his debts”

A book you feel indebted to.


The Secret Order of the Gumm Street Girls *breathes out* *why do some authors have a thing for such long titles*. Some grew up with Hogwarts, I grew up with Sherbet. If you are in need of a childish similar-to-OZ kind of book this is perfect for you.

Part 2 – Fan Theories

Who do you want to win the Game of Thrones?

I realise I’m not actually in any position to make any theories, but as much as I get from the Internet I’d say John Snow *mainstream probably*. He seem like the only nice person on the show. I could also say the dragon lady *I know her name, it’s just toooo long*, but I get the feeling she would be more interested in taking care of dragons than winning the Game of Thrones.

Who do you think will make it to the end and who do you think will die?

Are there people still alive on this show? Or they got to the point where ghosts fight each other? Can they try to keep the 2 above and one bellow alive?

Part 3 – My Game of Thrones

Would you win or die?

Probably die, maybe I should watch it and learn how to survive. *thinks this for a second* *nah*

What house are you?

It’s pretty obvious I had to take the online test suggested by Shannon and the outcome was…..


You are charming and clever. You are also as close to progressive as Westeros gets, believing in such strange concepts as women inheriting property and children having the right to not be tortured for their parents’ mistakes. Really, you have everything going for you except for the grudge-holding and the cockiness – for the gods’ sake, take the time out of your day to stab your opponent twice, OK? I don’t care how dead he looks.

Hmmm… I don’t know how to feel about this, so I’ll just leave it there.

My Nominees

Although I don’t like Game of Thrones I did enjoy this book tag maybe. maybe I’ll think about watching the first episode. Change of subject. There have been a few changes the past few days, from my blog theme to Brexit. It saddens and puzzles me at the same time. The first for all the nice Brits that aren’t happy at all and the second because it creates an uncertainty. To be a bit selfish, I hope it won’t make it harder for me to go to study in the UK, but then I wouldn’t be the only one. I hope everything will get sorted out and compromises will be found. I think of you and wish you the best my dear friends!



Thank you geekyfangirls for tagging me! You should definitely pay them a visit!

A – Age: I am 18 going on 19.

B – Book I’m currently reading: I just finished reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green (here is my review)

C – Chore you hate: Should a teenager even like any? It’s not that I hate or love them, it’s just that there are some I’d prefer not to do.

D – Dessert you love: Chocolate Pudding

E – Essential start your day item: My daily cappuccino.

F – Favourite author/book: My favourite author would be Nicholas Sparks, because I love each and every book he writes, but my favourite book is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.

G – Gold or silver: I prefer gold.

H – Height: 168 cm

I – Instruments you play: I like pretending I can play a bit the guitar and piano, but in reality I have no musical skills.

J – Job title: I’m a student.

K – Kids: None.

L – Living Arrangements: With my family.

M – Most overused word/phrase in your vocabulary: In writing ‘definitely’, probably because I like the word for some reason. In speaking ‘so’ and ‘like’. I’m trying to get rid of this habit.

N – Nicknames: Demi and Bubu.

O – Overnight hospital stay other than birth: No.

P – Pet peeve: Pen clicking, but mostly my friend asking ‘What?’ after I had just asked ‘What?’. He never repeats anything he says to me, although I did not fully understand it.

Q – Quotes I Like: Carpe Diem. – Seize the day.

R – Right or left-handed: I’m right-handed. I don’t think I do anything specifically with my left hand.

S – Siblings: I have a little brother.

T – Time you woke up today: So… now it’s past midnight, technically I haven’t slept today yet. I’ll have to be up at 7 a.m. latest.

U – Unique thing about you: Other than my DNA? Depending on how you look at it, I am the only Romanian girl in my school year.

V – Vegetable you love: Tomato

X – X-rays you’ve had: A bunch of. At the dentist. Last Wednesday I had 3 for example.

Y – Yummy food you make: I’m not the cook in the house, but I make some delicious ANZAC-biscuits and an English meal based on eggs, toast and bacon.

Z – Zodiac sign: Scorpio

My nominees:
