The Liebster Award 2.0

Hello my dear readers! Lately I’ve been having a hard time writing on my blog, not because I didn’t have time (that I have a lot since I’m on summer break), but I’ve been entirely  absorbed by reading and wasn’t in the mood for participating in most of my weekly memes. I’ve also had a hard time starting any reviews (I’ve got like 10 books I’d love to review). I’m hoping that with this blog entry my apatite for writing will come back to me and I’ll be more active, mainly because I’ve decided catch up with the awards and tags I’ve been given recently (recently is pretty relative here, since some of this posts I should have done almost 2 months ago). I apologise to Gretchen@chicnerdreads brad pitt thank you kissfor taking so long and also thank you for nominating me for this wonderful award. I’m very grateful! You should definitely check out her blog for all things bookish. She also writes marvellous poems which always leave me speechless.

The Rules:

  1. Post the award on your blog.
  2. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Answer the questions assigned to you.
  4. Give 10 random facts about yourself.
  5. Nominate 10 deserving bloggers for the award.
  6. Ask 10 questions to your nominees.

Gretchen’s Questions:

  1. Where are you from?
    Iasi, Romania
  2. What’s your dream vacation?
    My dream vacations would be a cruise around the world. (very convenient Demi)
  3. What is your feel good book?
    I honestly can’t say as I don’t usually read a book twice (I don’t even dare, otherwise my TBR list would probably kill me). However, a book that recently made me feel really good and gave me a self-respect boost was The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
  4. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    An archaeologist. I used to watch Tutenstein as a child and dreamed about being the one person that would find him one day. Of course I eventually found that Tutankhamun had already been found and my interest in becoming an archaeologist faded.
  5. A book that you’re looking forward to reading this year?
    If it wasn’t for this amazing platform I wouldn’t be very much up to date. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
  6. Do you have siblings? If yes, how many?
    One. A smaller brother.
  7. How do you feel about open-ended books?
    Mixed feelings. On one side I’m a wanna-know-it-all kind of person and I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night without some closure, but on the other side (certainly not as prominent as the other side) I like my mind to wonder about what happens after the book is over.
  8. What’s your favorite color to wear?
    Purple or blue.
  9. Do you prefer texting someone or calling them?
    Texting. I like to be careful with the messages I transmit.
  10. What is one random thing about you that you feel like a lot of people don’t know?
    I don’t mind reading with noises around me. Most of the time I’m able to turn off the outside world and focus on my book.

10 random facts about myself:

  1. I’ve had a turtle once. Long story short it’s not among us anymore. His name was Stefan by the way.

  2. I’m afraid of heights. And spiders. And snakes.

  3. I used to be afraid of the darkness and have some really nasty nightmares about the Boogeyman or whatever was lurking in the dark.

  4. I’m a representative for AVON.

  5. Last month I’ve joined the Postcrossing community.

  6. I’m in a couple of fandoms (Whovians, TVD, SPN, Once Upon a Time, Potterheads) and I’ll soon be joining a couple more. Probably by the time I’ll start reading The Mortal Instruments, Divergent and Hunger Games.

  7. I prefer listening to music made before 2011, mainly ’90s and ’80s.

  8. I have a soft spot for horror movies. Stephen King’s It is probably the most fascinating one and the movie Grudge has been the only movie I couldn’t watch.

  9. I’m Orthodox Christian.

  10. After finishing my school I’d want to take a year off and work in poor countries and help people (in Germany it is called a volunteer social year)

I nominate:

Quick notice: if you want the person to be notified that you tagged her/him you should link her/his name to the “About Me” page for example. If you link just they won’t be notified.

My Questions:

  1. What is your favourite book cover?
  2. Name a book that you wish you had read at a different age.
  3. Describe the perfect reading place.
  4. If you had to choose one book to read for the rest of your life, which would it be?
  5. Who are your favourite male and female heroes? They can be fictional or non-fictional, from a book or movie.
  6. What about favourite villain that you love and villain that you hate?
  7. Which fictional world would you like to visit or live in?
  8. What is the furthest you have travelled? And how long?
  9. What is your favourite animated movie?
  10. Which book and movie release of 2016 are you most happy about right now?

-Demi xx

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