Ten Facts About Me

Friday 56Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Hello everybody and welcome to this week’s Top Ten Tuesday. I’ve previously posted facts about me (A-Z About Me Tag and The Liebster Award) so I’m hoping I’ll give away some new facts. Let’s get this started.

1. I’ve got a tiny obsession with candles. I mentioned this before, but they are so perfect they deserve to be mentioned more than once.

2. I fancy Funko Pop vinyl figures a lot, although I only bought one, Captain Hook, but I’m planing on buying more.IMG_1804-001.JPG

3. I don’t fancy reading series, especially those longer than 3 novels. I always think I don’t have enough time to invest in reading them in a row.

4. I’m a dog person, although I never had a dog. I’d like to buy a Pug and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

5. I love playing Sudoku and doing puzzles, which I also hang in our house. I created a small art gallery at home.

6. I have a mark in form of a crescent moon on my left side of the stomach, that I got after an accident when I was little.

7. I like playing video games, especially Sims (no judging) and Terra. I’ve also got a PSP and recently started playing Pokémon GO!

8. I like watching anime. My favourite is No Game No Life.

9. I’m not really into YA and beside Nicholas Sparks’s books I don’t think I have anything after 2013 in my bookshelves (’90 and ’00 dominate)

10. I’m pretty artsy or at least I try to be. I’ve got my room full of decorations: bookish, posters, Tumblr style.

So those were some general facts about me. Now I’d like to know what you think? Is there any point that we are alike? Would you like to share some facts about you?

-Demi xx

“Sunday Stealing” No°11: “The Movie Nut’s Meme”

For rules and/or information click hereCheers to all of us thieves!!!

What was you first movie-going experience without your parents? The furthest I can go is Bratz The Movie, which I watched with my cousin at the cinema.

Do you still buy DVDs or Blu Rays (or do you just stream them)? Yes, although not many and not very often. The last one I bought was The Addams Family Values a week ago. Other than that I want to have a physical copy of most of my favourite movies, preferable some kind of deluxe edition. So far I’ve got the Back To The Future series and Grease.

What is your guilty pleasure movie? What about it works for you? Cruel Intentions, but I have no clue why. I’m still trying to figure it out.

You have compiled a list of your top 100 movies. Which movies do you like, but would not make the list? 100 is a lot and from the 500 movies I watched I know I liked at least 400 of them. I realised the easiest answer is 50 Shades of Grey. I admit I liked it, or at least parts of it, but it would definitely not make it to the top 100.

Which movie(s) do you compulsively watch over and over again? What makes it so great? Re-watching movies is not my thing. Beside Titanic, which I had to watch for the third time (from which only once entirely), I don’t think there is a movie I watched more than 1. However I want to re-watch the Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean series again.

Classic(s) you’re embarrassed to admit you haven’t seen yet? Casablanca, The Godfather, Alien, Predator, The Breakfast Club, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Star Wars, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Indiana Jones, James Bond…. 

Do you have any movie posters hanging on your wall? If yes, which ones and why? ‘Demetra checks her walls as she is so forgetful’ Titanic, Percy Jackson, Pirates of the Caribbean, Hunger Games, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, Monsters University and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. I put them up simply because I like the movies and were among the only movie posters I had. 

Tell us about a movie that you are passionate about. It’s hard to choose just one, so I hope that next time I’ll be able to promote another great movie. This time my answer is Dead Poets Society. The way Robin Williams plays his role and the message he transmits got a very important place in my heart.

What is a movie you vow to never watch? Why? First of all that is discrimination. You should always give everyone a chance, movies of people. However there are a couple of movies that I’m not prepared to watch, The Godfather for example. I’m not 100% I’ll really like it and its soooo long..

Tell us about a movie that literally left you speechless. Inception. If you don’t count the couple of ‘what’s I had at the end, it definitely left me speechless.

What’s a movie that you always recommend? Jumanji. You thought I’d give you a Robin Williams break. ha-ha-ha. You thought wrong.

Who is an actor you always watch, no matter how crappy the movie? Robin Williams! And there is no crappy movie in which he plays. The moment he gets a role, the movie cannot be crappy.

Who is an actor you don’t get the appeal for? Why don’t you like them? I can’t think of any present ones, but I used to don’t get the appeal for Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston and I don’t know what was wrong with me. Would Matt Smith count? I never really liked him as a Doctor and still don’t.

Who is an actor, living or dead, you’d love to meet? Why do they intrigue you? Robin Williams. I wish I’d have the chance to tell him what a wonderful and inspiring person he was and of course thank him.

Sexiest actor/actress you’ve seen. (Picture required!) Chris Pine

OK, you are casting a movie, pick four or five actors you’d hire to be in it and why we’d love them together.

Robert Downey Jr., Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston and  Johnny Depp. Can I please have that?

Who are your favorite actor pairing of all time? Robin Williams and Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting

Have you ever watched movies from a decade that was before you were born? If so, which decade is your favorite? Born in 1997. I think the 80′ is my favourite: Dirty Dancing, Back to the Future, Dead Poets Society, Rain Man, My Neighbour Totoro and probably some more that I can’t think of at the moment

If you were to be in a movie would you rather play the hero, villain or anti-hero? Why? Anti-hero. I don’t think the hero role would suit me.

Hello there my friends. It is so good to be back! I know I’ve been M.I.A. for the past few days, but now I’m baaack and holidays are getting closer which means that you will (hopefully) see more from me. I’ve recently been active on my Instagram account, so why don’t give it a look. I’d be very grateful.

-Demi xx