The Liebster Award

I was nominated for The Liebster Award by Diego at lazysundaymovies. Thank you, thank you, thank you ! 🙂 He’s got some of the best movie reviews I’ve ever read and if you don’t agree to that you would still have to admit that they’re some of the funniest. So definitely go check them out!
I learned about this award on my best friend’s blog, Iri, who has already been nominated for 4-5 times (Well, my friend. Be prepared! Another nomination comes your way). I chose to change the rules Diego had on his blog and pick some from Iri’s and because there are 2 nominees from Germany I decided to help them by writing the questions also in German, but be free to answer them in English if you want! 🙂

The Rules:

– Thank the one(s) who nominated you
– Answer 11 questions the blogger gives you
– Give 11 random facts about yourself
– Nominate 11 bloggers that you think deserve this award too
– Give them 11 questions to answer
– Let the bloggers know you nominated them

Diego’s Questions:

1. If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
– Diego, you are a very cruel person 😂 and my choice would be “What Dreams May Come”. “It’s not about understanding. It’s about not giving up!” Robin Williams will be, at least for me, always a legend and this movie is the proof for that. Here, have some trailer convince you.
2. If a film was made about your life story, who would you cast to play yourself?
– In a blink of a second I’d first say “Morgan Freeman is to be the narrator”, as for the actress, I’d choose Anne Hathaway.
3. First movie you remember watching?Favourite movie genre?
– Diego, you cheater; those are 2 questions. The first movie I watched at the cinema was Bratz, something I don’t really recomand watching, but I don’t remember any real first. As for the genre, romantic comedies will always win me over, almost as much as superheroes movies do. Shout-out to X-Men:Apocalypse that came out today!!!
4. Favourite movie quote? (I hope you know I couldn’t choose just one)

“Don’t forget I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.”
Julia Roberts, Notting Hill (1999)
“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. Poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. (…)No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.”
Robin Williams, Dead Poets Society (1989)

5. I normally hate watching movies before 2000’s (except some classics). Recommend a movie that might change my mind.
– If the ones mentioned above aren’t good enough and since the term classic can be vague (each decade has its own) I’ll give you one I hope you’ve never heard of. “Mononoke-hime” or “Princess Mononoke”. I don’t know if you’re familiar with Japanese movies, but this is a “classic” there and in my opinion, worth watching.
6. Favourite TV show at the moment?
Once Upon A Time. It just gets better with each season, considering that they have a lot of stories the episodes can be based on. We’ve had all the Disney Princesses, Rumplestiltskin, Peter Pan, Elsa, Merida, Dr. Frankenstein, Merlin and lately Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, so check it out.
7. Go-to weapon in a zombie apocalypse?
– A bazooka.
8. Would you rather lose both arms or both legs?
– Both legs, since I’m a lazy person anyway and not too much into sports. Also because my favourite activities imply the need of arms.
9. If you could have one power, what would it be?
– To fly.
10. When did you start blogging and why?
– Mid-March this year. My best friend is blogging about books and I wanted to share my thoughts with the world as well.
11. What do you do when you’re not in front of a keyboard?
– I read, watch movies, draw, take pictures and occasionally travel.

Although she didn’t nominate me directly, I liked her questions and decided to update my blog entry 🙂

LUKNE-LUNA‘s Questions:

1. Where are you from? – Romania
2. First cinema experience? – Bratz: The Movie (Avatar was the first 3D movie🙈)
3. Favorite genre? – Romance-Comedy
4. Favorite franchise? – Harry Potter all the way
5. Remakes/reboots – for or against? – The Amazing Spider-Man. To be honest I think it is better than the original. Here is a video to prove it.
6. Favorite movie soundtrack? – Lord of the Rings and of course the Hobbit.
7. Guilty pleasure movie? – Cruel Intentions. I liked the movie so much, although the story holds no good message.
8. A film that you have seen more than 3 times? – I almost never watch a movie a second time, because I always have so many movies that I want to watch, but… I’ve watched Titanic at least 3 times and I would still watch 3 more times.
9. Favorite director? – Tim Burton or Steven Spielberg
10. Favorite foreign language (non-English) film? – Mononoke-hime or Princess Mononoke
11. Favorite movie from the year you were born? – Good Will Hunting

11 Random Facts About Me:

  1. I was born in Romania and moved to Germany in 2011.
  2. I can speak 4 languages more or less fluently: Romanian, English, German and Spanish
  3. I want to go to England to study Forensic Science
  4. After that I want to move with my family to Australia.
  5. I travel a lot: 4 continents and 12 countries (Croatia in July is the next)
  6. I have a smaller brother, age 12.
  7. I love candles. I really, really love candles.
  8. I watch a lot of Youtubers.
  9. And a lot of Vines.
  10. I like photography.
  11. I have a small collecting obsession. Books, coins, pens… you name it.

Today’s Nominees Are:

  1. Iri at IrisWorldOfBooks – I already mentioned like 3 times that she’s my best friend (German blog)
  2. Shannon at ClockworkBibliophile – I love her blog sooo much. It’s just amazing how she does it. Wonderful writer, wonderful book reviews!
  3. Isa at IsasBuecherregal (German blog)
  4.  Rachel at rachelsbookreviews – There’s a really cool Challenge she’s hosting that I also joined (Cover Color Challenge)
  5. GeekyCheekyAlwaysSneaky
  6. ABookNation
  7. GeekyFangirls
  8. PaintAndButterfliesBooks
  9. onturningpages
  10. RobbinsRealm
  11. GeelinLovesConan

My Questions:

1. What is your favourite animal and why? / Was ist dein Lieblingstier und warum?
2. What is your favourite book and why? / Was ist dein Lieblingsbuch und warum?
3. What is your favourite movie and why? / Was ist dein Lieblingsfilm und warum?
4. What is the most recent happy event in your life? / Was ist das letzte glückliche Ereignis in deinem Leben?
5. Pepsi or Coca-Cola?
6. Do you like to travel? / Magst du reisen?
7. How many languages can you speak? / Wie viele Sprachen sprichst du?
8. What is one aspect of yourself that you occasionally get complimented on? / Was ist einer deiner Eigenschaften bei denen du Komplimente bekommst?
9. What is your dream job? / Was ist dein Traumjob?
10. What would you recommend me to watch or read next? / Was würdest du mir als Nächstes zum Lesen oder Schauen empfehlen?
11. Do you think Donald Trump should become the president of the United States? / Glaubst du Donald Trump sollte Präsindent der USA werden?

Thank you for reading so far and wish you a wonderful weekend! 🙂


10 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. Ahaha genuinely didn’t even clock that I gave 12 questions. I’m really bad at maths, can you tell? Awesome answers! Aha the random facts was a nice bonus. I am not familiar with Japanese movies at all but I’ll definitely check it out at some point! Good luck with forensic science btw, if CSI has taught me anything, it’s that it’s a pretty cool job.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t mind at all. Thank you! I’m glad you liked them 🙂 the Japanese film industry is not that common in Europe, but they really do have some good movies, always with a hidden theme (like global warming). It was CSI NY that convinced me to pursue this career 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s really interesting, thanks for the heads up! Really jealous you speak Spanish btw! According to duolingo, I’m 37% fluent aha

        Liked by 1 person

      2. 🙈🙊 I haven’t tested my Spanish level, but now you made me curious. I’ll let you know when I find out 😂

        Liked by 1 person

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